For us, the ocean isn’t just a weekend escape; it’s home. We have a thirst for the open waters, a desire to explore rugged coastlines and fine sandy beaches.

As kids, the ocean was... a place where the living was easy... well, at least we thought it was. In 2006, we started fulfilling our dreams in SFL. Now, we are living on our boat cruising around the PNW.

M/Y Odisea

Part cruising boat and part home, Odisea is taking us to remote coastlines—and we are living on easy. Our life now is both wide and narrow—wide in the immensity of sea and mountains that surrounds it; narrow in that it's a boat, and we live and work, explore and play in a little realm of our own making.

And there's the skipper...

You need to find out. 'Cause no one's gonna tell you what he's all about.